Wood Glen Court
Spring Cleaning! Five Ways to Downsize Thoughtfully

If you’re thinking about moving to a senior living community but are concerned about downsizing, don’t worry! Downsizing may seem daunting, but with the right strategy and mindset, it can be a smooth process. Remember to consider the sentimental value, quantity, and practicality of your belongings when deciding what to keep. Check out these tips for getting organized before your move. It’s time for Spring Cleaning!

Picture your Dream Space and Lifestyle 

Sometimes, a little bit of motivation is needed to initiate the organizing process. Your personal goals can offer the ideal source of inspiration. Whether it’s minimizing household responsibilities or expanding social connections, concentrating on the aspects of senior living that will spark joy can help you find the motivation to start organizing.

It’s exciting to imagine the design of your new home and it can help you decide on the furniture you want to keep. We can help you plan the layout of your furniture at Wood Glen Court. This will help with the process!

Tip: It’s easier to downsize if you begin with a clean slate and adding in what you truly want and need, rather than sorting through everything at once.

See What Works

Downsizing can be approached in various ways. It is important to find the most effective strategy for yourself! Identify the time of day when you are most inspired. If you are an early riser, you may find it beneficial to allocate some time in the morning for organizing. Another option is to play music to maintain your energy levels throughout the task. We recommend testing out various methods to determine which organization mode you prefer!

TIp: Organize your downsizing efforts by scheduling specific dates and times to work on it. And don’t forget to take breaks! Adhering to this schedule will help you maintain productivity.

Add Check Marks To Your To-Do List

For those who are task-driven, this packing technique is just what you need! It is best to tackle one area or room at a time to ensure maximum efficiency. This way, you can experience a sense of fulfillment every time you complete organizing a packed closet or messy desk. Adding check marks to your to-do list is always a gratifying experience!

Organize into Multiple Piles 

We recognize the sentimental attachment you may have to your belongings, making it challenging to let go of them. Our suggestion is to organize your items into four distinct piles to make sure each one is utilized in a meaningful way: 

  • Keep – Hold onto items that will bring you joy in your new space. 
  • Gift – If you have items that are meaningful to you but are no longer needed, consider passing them on to your children, grandchildren, or neighbors who may have a use for them. Plus, they will appreciate the fact that the ice cream scoop or recipe book was a present from you.
  • Donate – Giving your gently used items to nonprofit organizations is a fantastic way to help those in need. Make sure to search for local resale shops in your area, as some may offer free furniture pickup services!    
  • Discard – While this isn’t the most fun, the great part about this choice  is when you throw items in the trash or recycling bin, your space instantly feels cleaner. 

Tip: If you haven’t used something in the past year, it is a good indicator that you won’t need it in the following year either.

Get Labeling 

As you pack, be sure to label each box with the items inside and the designated room it belongs in. This simple step will streamline the unpacking process by indicating what should be unpacked first and making it easy to locate your belongings. 

Tip: Prior to moving day, prepare a designated box called “Right Away” for immediate essentials like glasses, medications, and chargers that you will require shortly after moving.

Don’t be intimidated by the idea of downsizing – with these helpful tips, the process can be more manageable. Downsizing can lead to decreased clutter, less stress in maintaining your home, and more fun in a senior living community.

If you have any inquiries about downsizing or are looking to design a free furniture plan, our team is ready to provide support.